In a few hours I'll get my last finals before the summer. I'll be working on it until Friday. Until then, here are a few funny clips for you to enjoy.
Paul Rudd and Jason Segel probably did a LOT of interviews during the promotion for the movie "I Love You, Man". That was their third movie together, and it's easy to see that they have a special connection... This interview cracked me up.
Danny Bhoy is a Scottish stand-up comedian, and a great one... Here's a clip from the DVD from his show in Sydney.
Another short clip with Danny Bhoy
Ross Noble talks about the tv-show 24 and ice cream vendors... Why not?
Zach Galifianakis clip from one of his stand-up shows... Gotta love the timid pimp and 5-year old characters...
Festive 500 by night
11 years ago