Movies. That has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. So, in a moment of clarity I realized that movies should be one of the central parts of my blog. An epiphany, you might say. So, I've decided that my blog will probably mostly focus on movies and music. Movies I liked, movies I didn't like, music I like, music I hate, movies that puzzle me, directors I admire etc.
This blog will most definitely be updated a lot more in the near future, as I've finally found out what I am going to blog about. Before I was like "what am I doing?", hence I did nothing. Now this blog will most likely be to film-lovers what the Bible is to... no, probably not, but it'll hopefully be an interesting blog for those of you who have at least a vague interest in movies and music.
I might also share some more personal views on other stuff. That's for you to find out, and for me to decide.
Stay tuned.
Festive 500 by night
11 years ago